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MyDoom affects Macs ...

… but it requires third party software.

MacBidouille reports:

NAV pratique la politique de la terre brûlée

Norton Anti Virus, accompagné de sa définition virale de février, a un drôle de moyen de supprimer le virus MyDoom.

Si vous recevez un mail le contenant (très fréquent) NAV va détruire non pas le virus ou le message, mais le fichier contenant la base de messages de mail.

Ce sera une perte sèche de tout ce que contient la mailbox.

En attendant que Symantec arrive à résoudre ce problème, il est urgent de désactiver leur cheval de troie.

Rassurez vous, ils sont très réactifs… a plusieurs mois près.

Wich roughly translates as:

Norton AntiVirus and its definitions of February has a strange way of dealing with virus MyDoom.

If you receive an e-mail containing it (which happens often enough), NAV will not destroy the virus or the message but the entire mailbox file containig it.

It will be a complete loss of all the mailbox content.

While waiting for Symantec to try and solve this problem, it is urgent to disable their trojan horse.

Don’t worry, they are very reactive… several months later.

It seems that Symantec managed the seemingly impossible: make the Mac vulnerable to a virus written as a Windows executable.

When I think that no later than a week ago, I was discussing with jr that Norton Utilities was the most reliable way of screwing up your hard drive and that Symantec’s only decent product was Norton AntiVirus… Spooky.


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