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Pipes and redirections in tcsh

A quick reference to pipes and redirections in tcsh.


  • Use the standard output of program_1 as the standard input of program_2:

    program_1 | program_2
  • Use the standard and diagnostic outputs of program_1 as the standard input of program_2:

    program_1 |& program_2


  • Open file name as the standard input:

    program < name
  • Use file name as the standard output:

    program > name
  • Append the output to the end of file name:

    program >> name
  • Route both the standard and diagnostic outputs to file name:

    program >& name
  • Append both the standard and diagnostic outputs to file name:

    program >>& name


  • To route the standard and diagnostic outputs to separate files, use the following syntax:

    ( program > outfile ) >& errfile
  • To route the diagnostic output to a file and the standard output to the terminal, use:

    ( program > /dev/tty ) >& errfile
  • To retain only the diagnostic output, redirect the standard output to /dev/null:

    program > /dev/null
    ( program > /dev/null ) >& errfile
  • In order to test pipes and redirections, use the following Perl program:

    print STDOUT "STDOUT: Standard output\n";
    print STDERR "STDERR: Diagnostic output\n";


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How to send STDERR to /dev/null in tcsh?

Use this to send STDERR to /dev/null and STDOUT to the terminal:

( program > /dev/tty ) >& /dev/null

Change /dev/tty to a file name to send STDOUT to a file.

Note to self: fix the comment system to allow the entry of code.

Thank you Oliver, this is a great piece of reference for the workings of Tcsh, which I am often forced to use in certain environments.

I have bookmarked it. ;3


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