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UT2004 Easter egg

I came across this the other day in Unreal Tournament 2004, on map DM-CBP2-Meitak:


I’m glad I took a screen shot because I’ve never been able to find it again.

Googling “OMG LOL Jay Meitak” return results about Community Bonus Pack 2, with the following description for Meitak:

DM-Meitak by Nick ‘neoduck’ Donaldson

As the cheers of the crowd echo in the stadium outside, you prepare yourself for the battle ahead. You hear a voice, distant but clear, ring though the arena. You look around, intent on finding the source. It cries out again… ‘OMG LOL’ … it’s only Jay.

Has anybody else seen this Easter egg? If so, drop me a note in the comments.


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